
Frequently Asked Questions

The phone rings and, although you haven’t heard from her in months, you say, “That must be Aunt Annie.” And it is.

You turn on the television to watch a football game. Somehow, in a sudden flash, without even thinking about it, your know which team is going to win. And it does.

You go to a party and meet someone you’ve never met before, yet you’re certain you know him from someplace.

If you’ve ever had déjà vu — that feeling that what you’re currently doing has already happened.

We’ve all had these kinds of experiences which we brush off as coincidence, or explained away with some pseudo-scientific reasoning, or simply called good luck. Yet, over the course of our live, they keep happening, leaving us with a sense that we’ve occasionally stepped across some invisible boundary into mysterious realms, where miracles occur as a matter of course, and where we are as gods, knowing what we as ordinary mortals cannot possibly know.

These are the realms of the psychic, and contrary to popular tradition, they re not reserved for a chosen few who live with eighteen cats in dimly lit rooming houses. They are realms of our own reality which we ignore because we are frightened, or because we’ve been told since we were infants the they don’t exist, or because we don’t understand them and don’t understand how they relate to our everyday lives. 

The great Greek philosopher Plato noted that all learning is just the soul’s remembering. 

Psychic abilities and healing abilities are so closely related that there’s almost no point in making any distinction between them. Healers are people who have learned to direct their psychic skills in the particular direction of alleviating physical pain and suffering. But just as we sometimes know who is on the other side of the phone before we answer it, so we also know how to heal ourselves and others. We just don’t pay much attention to these abilities because we believe that we don’t have them, or because we fear them. 

It is a truism of psychology that we fear most the thing we understand least. It is partly the purpose of Psychic Awareness Training and Services to make these misunderstood realms comprehensible to you. It is our hope and expectation that the more familiar you become with them, and the more your understand them in terms of your life, the less mysterious they will be and, therefore, the more access you will have to the abilities you already posses.

We will teach you how to focus your awareness on any part of your physical body or energetic body to heal yourself and others.

Yes! Everyone is psychic. Psychic is a word whose origin is greek, it means “soul essence or of the soul”. It refers to that which is beyond natural or known physical processes. It also refers to a person who is sensitive to forces beyond the physical world. The human’s body has five physical senses and psychic abilities are the senses of the spirit. You are a “homo sapiens” — homo relates to the physical body and sapiens relates to spirit the “one who knows” The spirit in you has senses and those are the senses that make you psychic. Everyone has a spirit. Every single person uses their psychic abilities at all times unconsciously. The goal of this teaching is to consciously become aware of your abilities, so you can use them for your own healing and others. A psychic healer, then, is a person who utilizes his or her sensitivity to such forces in the process of curing physical hurts.

In The Clairvoyance Training Program 101 you will explore each chakra (the energetic system). Like your physical body has senses system, eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to feel, nose to smell, mouth to taste, so does our spiritual body. They are called the chakras. They contain a variety of psychic abilities. Chakras are the spirit senses located in the astral body and plugs into the physical body via glands. At Psychic Awareness Training we become aware of your spiritual body and it’s senses. Chakras are found through out the body, but the major chakras that we will discuss in this teaching run up the spine into the head. There are 7 main chakras and 2 minor chakras (at your feet and palms) that we explore in this teaching.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it literally translates as wheel or disk. Chakras are the spirit senses located in the astral body and plugs into the physical body via glands. There are seven main chakras which align to the spine starting from the base of the spine through the crown of the head. An individual’s chakra development indicates his state of psychic development. The chakras are a small, dully colored disks, usually about the size of a silver dollar, in the astral bodies of psychically undeveloped people. As a person becomes full awakened, his chakras open and whirl like brightly colored flowers. 

1st Root Chakra:


At the base of your spine plugs to reproductive gland.


Survival : Food, Shelter, Clothing & Body for you and others.


2nd Sacral Chakra:


Below belly button plugs to adrenal gland.


Sex and Emotions


3rd Solar Plexus Chakra:


Above your belly button plugs to pancreas.


Power, Control, Ego and Career


4th Heart Chakra:


At your heart plugs to thymus gland.




5th ThroatChakra:


At your throat plugs to thyroid gland.


Verbal and non verbal communications


6th Third Eye Chakra:


In the center of your head plugs to pineal gland.


Clairvoyance, to see clearly to envision


7th CrownChakra:


At the top of your head plugs to pituitary gland.


Knowingness and connection to Supreme Being