
Walk Ins

September 20, 2021 by Dr. CarmenIris

Walk-ins are where two individual souls have agreed to switch places. The first soul has gone as far as it can in its development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken its place will serve in a different capacity than before.  Another way to call the experience is soul transfer.

When the embodied part of Spirit, the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in a lifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal (Reincarnation-in-Same-Body), die, or walk out.

If they decide to walk out  there is a “try-on” period of a few days or weeks or months when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The leaving personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time.

Learn more about Walk-Ins in our Clairvoyant I Program!

tags: channeling, die, exchange places, new soul, personality, reincarnation, soul, soul transfer, souls, spirit, trade places, try on period, walk ins, walk out