
Reading and Healing the blocks in Your Energy System

December 6, 2021 by Dr. CarmenIris

So when you look at your life, what do you see or feel is missing or is there something you want to change about your life? Maybe you’re stuck in old energy or thoughts or think that if you leave a relationship you won’t be able to make it on your own.

Could be that you just have a feeling that something is wrong and that possibly you’ve been looking in the wrong area of your life to try to fix something and it has nothing to do with what you thought it was at all.

A lot of times we get stuck in our lives and we’re not sure where we should start to look.  Some of us look at our mates and say.  “It’s their fault I feel terrible.” When it is really something about us that is the real culprit to life seeming hard or relationships a real pain to be in.

When we look inside to try to understand and ‘fix’ our lives there is so much that has gone on in our lives that we can’t sift through all the history.  This history is composed of emotions, judgements, punishment and dis-ease and  way too much to truly understand what it is all about.

To be able to wade our way through all of this history requires a lot of work.  Some of us journal our way to understanding ourselves and moving on beyond the life we’ve lived so far.  Others go to counselors to work through our baggage.   Suggestions and tools become our way of fixing ourselves.

Another way is to actually look at the energy system that surrounds the energy body and find the energetic pictures, emotions and experiences that make up who we are.  We are a product of every thing that we see, feel, hear, touch, and smell.  We create our belief systems based on other’s beliefs.  Making it hard to really understand who we are and what exactly we are experiencing. 

After many years we began to shut down.  We decide that what we have right now is enough.  And the years slide by in the same patterns, and depression and disbelief.

When we decide that we don’t have to live in old belief patterns and emotions we can really shift our life.  Instead of being the product of our past we can be the creator of our future by actively looking for change.

Get a reading and healing on the blocks in your energy system and live the life you came to live this lifetime or take a course so you can know what you are looking at and do something about it!

tags: belief systems, change, counselors, creator of our future, depression, dis-ease, disbelief, emotions, experiences feel, fix, hear, journal, judgements, Life, lives, mates, old energy, our baggage, our history, past, patterns, punishment, reading and healing, stuck, their fault, thoughts something is wrong, touch and smell, wade our way