
Going Out on the Astral Plane

October 7, 2020 by Dr. CarmenIris

The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence. A subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe.

The astral plane is linked closely to the Earth plane. In fact, within the astral plane there exists a replica of the Earth plane, with houses, cities, nature and people.

Whether you are aware of it or not you go out on the astral plane every night. Sometimes you’re in classrooms learning things from others who are in the astral teaching classes. Or you’re interacting with others in a scenario or some other type of setting.

Usually when we go out on the astral we are interacting, learning and experiencing things we chose to do or learn with others in our astral body.

Our astral body is energy and can’t be seen by the human eye. It is connected to the human body by an energy cord. This cord cannot be broken or destroyed.  No matter how far you travel, the cord is long enough to go there.

This cord is connected to the back of the third chakra which is located at the back of the spine behind the soft part of the solar plexus. And the other end of the cord is connected to the astral body’s third chakra, and this body resides inside of the physical body.

Everybody goes out on the astral whether they remember or not. It is part of our learning process as physical beings. Most of what we are experiencing now is getting us ready for the shift in the energy that more and more people are becoming aware of.

Come join us and learn more about the Astral in one of our courses!

tags: astral, astral body, astral cord, astral world, earth plane, plane of existence