Attracting What You Want
January 6, 2020 by Dr. CarmenIris
Attracting what you want, manifesting, what you want and what you don’t want. Most of us are good at attracting what we don’t want because we tell the universe this is what I don’t want. We want this but not this.
Are you a pessimist? Are you an optimist? The type of life you have depends on the vibration you send out to the universe. The vibration is created by feelings generated by words. Words we think and use generate the vibration we send out. If you make a statement containing the words don’t, not or no you are actually giving attention and energy to what you don’t want. So who is likely to attract what they want? A pessimist? Or an optimist? Do you notice what attracts you?
Most people just live life as it comes. Not much thought is given to consciously creating what they would like in their world. Just take a moment and think about what you attract. Is it positive or negative? What was your emotional response to what you attract? Were you excited? Disappointed. Even angry? Now take a moment and think about your life. What makes up your life? Take a look at the results you are getting in your life. They are a perfect reflection of what you are vibrating.
What type of relationships with people do you have? What type of feelings do you have about your job, or career. Is there a lack of money or love in your life? Are the feelings about your relationships positive or negative? Are your feelings about your job, or career, good or bad? What type of emotional responses did you have to your relationships? Your job? Did you get upset? Or were you able to laugh at yourself?
Which areas of your life are you the least satisfied with? Relationships. Notice what type of emotional response you are having. If the emotion feels bad you will attract more of this feeling until you can change how you view the relationship. Career. Just notice what is going on in your space. Health. Did you just call yourself names for not taking better care of yourself? The Universe can’t tell the difference between positive or negative vibrations. It just gives you more of what you send out. Business. Do you need more clients/customers to pay the bills? Financial Situation. Has filing bankruptcy entered your mind? Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you are living someone else’s beliefs? Maybe your lack is your parent’s belief that they never had enough money. So whose beliefs are you living?
How do the following words resonate within you? Really be aware of how the words make you feel. Feel the vibration within you. Fearful. Worried. Powerless. Nervous. Jittery. Negative words, thoughts, vibrations gives you more of what you don’t want. Relaxed. Trusting Takes action. Balanced. Spontaneous. Notice how positive words have a higher emotional vibration that will attract what you do want. Always change a negative statement that begins with “I can’t have…” to a positive “I will have…” statement.
Close your eyes and create a gauge that goes from 0 to 100% about arm’s length way from your eyes. Notice what percent of energy you have in the gauge. If the percent is less than 100 create mentally fill the gauge until it reaches 100 percent. Imagine padlocking the gauge at 100%. When the ability is less than 90 percent it is harder to create what we want in our life. Make manifest what we want. What you want more of in your life. Most people have issues around money that cause them to block themselves from actually creating a life of wealth and abundance. Getting the relationship they want. Landing the career of their dreams. Some people seem to be able to generate money into their lives no matter what they do. On some level these souls know how to attract/manifest abundance and make it work.
The process of manifestation actually starts when you think about your desire, talk about it, write about it, or when you give it any kind of energy, attention or focus.