Are You an Old or Young Soul?
October 4, 2021 by Dr. CarmenIris

All of us have been on earth many, many lifetimes so that we can learn and grow and move forward in our progression as a spirit in a body. Some of us have been on the planet many thousands of lifetimes. Others of us are younger but still have many hundreds of visits to the planet.
The number of our lifetimes depends on how often we choose to come back. It all depends on what we want to learn as a soul. Some of us are very specific on what we want to learn and choose specific times on earth to be part of. Then there are others who come back to learn on a human relationship level and do so for many lifetimes. Or whatever it is for that soul.
Some of us come back quite regularly and have racked up a hundred thousand lifetimes or more. Then others come back every now and then every thousand or so lifetimes.
As souls we are all different ages also. Some of us have been here a very long time. Others are younger. So at any given time on the planet there are many different ages of souls all learning and growing at the same time.
Based on our soul ages we all progress through different levels of learning and experiences from Infant Souls to Old Souls.
There are five soul ages that we progress through during our cycle on the physical plane. Infant souls deal with issues of survival; Baby souls have a need for structure and tend to live according to beliefs based on dogma, such as religion. Young souls are success oriented and set high standards of personal achievement. Mature souls are relationship fixated and tend to gravitate towards emotional drama, and Old souls try to seek the larger perspective of life, and have less interest in playing the material game.
Infant souls are like infants and children. The Infant Soul Age is comparable to the first decade of a life for a person. Even as children are learning to walk and talk, so Infant souls are learning the basics of getting around in the world.
Baby souls are a lot like teenagers. Teens are in that awkward stage between childhood and adulthood. Like people in the second decade of life, Baby souls are going through a lot of changes in the growing-up process.
After the juvenile years of adolescence comes the time of young adulthood. The Young soul is a young person that is like an adult before middle age. The perceptions and activities of the Young soul are similar in description to a person in the third and fourth decades of a life span.
After the years of youth and early adulthood comes the time of middle age. Mature souls are like an adult in middle age. They are at the peak of their lives: beyond the folly of youth, yet before the decay of old age. Like people in the fifth and sixth decades of life, much of their experience is behind them.
At the end of a full life comes the time of old age. An Old soul is like an old person. Usually old people have traveled to many places and done many things. They are a storehouse of wisdom and understanding because of this range of experience.
Each soul group has 7 levels within each group that they progress through before they move on into the next age group. And each of the 7 levels is a distinct maturing of this particular soul.
What soul age are you? Book reading to find out!
tags: Baby souls, children, come back, cycle, different ages, dogma, drama, earth, earth plane, human, Infant Souls, learn and grow, learning, many lifetimes, mature souls. five soul ages, old soul, personal achievement, physical existence, planet, religion, soul, spirit in a body, thousand of lifetimes, young soul, old or young soul