
Viewing the Seven Aura Layers

November 4, 2020 by Dr. CarmenIris

The human body has 7 aura layers around it and each and every one is directly related to a corresponding chakra in the body.  The first aura layer is the layer closest to the body and is about survival. Fight or flight.

What is an aura?  How big is it?  What can you learn about yourself from a reading of the different layers of your aura?

Everyone is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, and this field is called an aura. The aura has been depicted throughout history in literature and paintings. Angel pictures show it as a halo; pictures of Jesus often depict a light around his head. All of us have a field of energy that surrounds each and everyone one of us.

Not only do we have an aura but so does everything around us.  An energy field emanates from the surface of a person or object or plant or animal.  Everything has an energy field around it.  Everything on earth has an energy field.

The thickness of the aura layers for each person depends on what has and is going on in each individual layer at any given moment.  No two people have exactly the same size aura or the same things going on inside of it.  It is as unique as each human on the planet.

So if I was experiencing something at work and I felt threatened by it then my 1st layer, survival layer, may be tight and narrow.  The color may be deep dark orange.  Then the energy of the workplace shifted and I felt good about work and this layer may change to a bright yellow.

Each color has a different vibration or frequency.  The brighter the color the higher the vibration and the better you feel.  This also applies to our emotions.  Again if I felt threatened at work my 1st layer may become small.  Whereas on the other hand if I felt good there then my 1st layer may become several inches wide.

Again we’re all unique so no two of us have the same responses to the same situations.  Our experiences and understanding of what is going on around us is interpreted by what we’ve been through this lifetime.

Some assign different meanings to the colors seen in the aura, but when I look at the colors I allow them to tell me what they mean to or for the person that I’m reading.

Red could mean that they are looking at the energy of their workplace, and not entertaining the idea of falling in love.  Or the red color is the vibration they’re in when they’re fully engaged in the process of creating a piece of art.  So I allow my intuition to tell me what each color means for each person that I read.

Colors in the aura will mean different things for each person you look at.  And they can change colors rapidly depending on what is going on in the person’s space at any given time.  You may see green in the 1st layer, and then a half an hour later the layer is yellow. There is no right or wrong, just energy and information.

If you would like to learn more about the information in your aura sign up to our Clairvoyant Training Programs!