December 2, 2019 by Dr. CarmenIris
Karma is basically starting a cycle of action that needs to be fulfilled. When you are aware you have things to do, or want something you create a cycle of action. Once you start something, even if it was 5 lifetimes ago or when you were a little child, you start the ball rolling and forget about it.
Some of us created something 4 lifetimes ago, and haven’t completed it. You forgot about it, and now you’re in a new body. But the karma keeps working. People, things and experiences keep on coming at you.
We don’t realize the power we have. When we don’t realize the power we have we create many things that impact us.
This is what we quote “Pay For” this lifetime. For many lifetimes.
If we don’t learn the 1st time we get another chance. We reincarnate.
If we don’t learn the second time, we get another chance to learn.
We have unlimited chances, lifetimes, to learn.
One way I perceive karma is like throwing a rock in a pond, and seeing the ripples of the rock. Eventually the energy of these ripples will hit the side of the pond.
Because of physics, all the energy comes back to the center of the pond to the rock.
It is the same with karma.
Every action we do sends a vibration out there that eventually comes back to us.
If the action we took is emotionally damaging, or it is, especially, intentionally damaging that same vibration comes back to us.
So part of healing karma is learning how to heal our emotions, not avoid the emotion, but have it and direct the emotion where we need it to go.
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tags: create, cycle of action, Karma, lifetimes, reincarnate, vibration